Tuesday, 14 April 2015

McCalling all Austen Fans!

The lovely people at the International Literature Festival Dublin, have once again agreed to offer JASI members a concession price for their Alexander McCall Smith talk on Thursday 21st May at 8pm in The Main Space, Smock Alley, Dublin.

 His adaptation of 'Emma' has just been published in paperback, so I know that many of you will be keen to hear him speak and attend the book-signing afterwards. Here is the blurb: 'It’s 15 years since The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency introduced the world to Precious Ramotswe, Botswana’s leading (in fact, only) female PI.

Since then her creator, Alexander McCall Smith, has become one of the UK’s best-loved authors, selling over 20 million books, launching several successful new series (including Scotland Street), and becoming perhaps the second most famous resident of Edinburgh’s New Town (where JK Rowling also lives). In this special event, McCall Smith comes to Dublin to talk about the characters and themes that have won him millions of readers all over the world.' Tickets cost €12 but for JASI members are €10.

You will find the concession code on the most recent issue of The Austen Gazette.  Enjoy!